Each one of us has a story, a past that has formed us and a future that builds us and drives us to dream. Oftentimes, beautiful and tragic. It deserves to be heard. No one journey is the same, but what is needed – courage, strength, compassion, and love – is already within us.

You deserve the world, even if that means giving it to yourself. If the opportunity doesn’t work, build a door, make a change, or take a different path. Drop in. Listen to your true self; the voice deep inside that says YES to the things that scare you most, but are truly meant for you. When life gives us those sticky moments, as it will, let’s be brave and kind, love more than less; remain faithful and loyal, tough and intelligent, and trust that we are worthy of all goodness.

“Own Your Story” is a mantra I began telling myself the day I said YES to my dream of becoming a #wellpreneur and starting my own health coaching practice. Hard work, constant change, and quite a few disappointments have all been a part of the journey. There have been many moments in my life I truly invested in; people, places, and things I so strongly believed were meant for me, but in time, only became pieces of the puzzle that I’m still putting together. It’s hard though, to completely regret any of it. It builds upon itself; each small or large lesson learned simply provides the experience and strength needed for the next step. I jumped in, regardless of fear, hesitancy, or uncertainty. I trusted my intuition with everything I had when the things in question felt “right”. And, in hindsight, that intuition and some empath ways have never lead me astray.

I hope you dance and give it a chance! Life is to be lived, in your own badass way. Whatever this means for you…dream big and know you are worthy of taking the chances that allow those dreams to come true. For the best project you will ever work on, is you. Give it your everything. There is no point in rolling through this beautiful life not respecting your commitments, your relationships, your health, wealth, happiness, and service to others.

For whatever reason, whether it be just for a season, believe you are meant to be in “this” place, with “these” people, doing exactly “these” things. Make an impact and serve well. Live with honesty, integrity, kindness, and character. Do YOUR best today and every day because it is your story and your story alone. Do not compare your past, progress, or goals to the masses. Own your story, love, because you are one in a million. Be as real and raw as possible and thrive in your authenticity!

What is your story? How will you own it?
