Ah! Might I say, what a crazy time in the world, right? COVID-19 forcing everyone to really think about and understand their health, hygiene, fear-based preparation, daily work environments and social encounters, etc. In addition to that, we’ve got quite the election on our hands that will forecast the coming years. I’m interested to see how the economy ebbs and flows.

I read an article the other day that hit home. Where we are as individuals on the health spectrum can help/hinder our potential susceptibility to such viruses. As all the stats roll in and public health officials do their amazing work (yay epidemiology!), it is important to remain calm and know that you have the wherewithal to process the steps you need to take for you and your family. Remember we are capable human beings and we can survive with the basics. People endured with MUCH less as history states so use products wisely, remain selfless in your purchases, continue to boost your immune system in natural ways with nutrient-dense foods and lots of sleep, and use fresh air as a neutralizer. Let’s be conscientious. Lay low. We will learn and grow. This too shall pass. 💛

I continue to wish each of you safety, health, wellness, and happiness in this time of anxiety, stress, and uncertainty. We are all doing our part, doing our best, and hoping for a recovery of great sorts. To those working from home, I pray you find sanity in the new routine, to those who have lost positions and income, I pray with all my heart you are granted grace, and to those working with a greater degree of stress in our known environments, may you find peace within the chaos and changing daily state. Love to all! 💕
